Tariffs are on items that are $800 USD or more, so there's no tariffs on my products.


Canadian and International Retail Partners Needed

Replacing sales to the US.

Buy Canadian. The survival of our country literally depends on it.

Buy Canadian. The survival of our country literally depends on it.

Buy Canadian. The survival of our country literally depends on it.

I used Chat GPT and said "In 2005, I cut down a dead elm tree and turned one of the branches into some pepper grinders. I have now made 55,000, all with a 25-year guaranteed ceramic mechanism from Denmark inside. Write me a four-paragraph story on that.'

In the fall of 2005, the dry crackle of dead elm leaves underfoot marked the beginning of an unexpected journey. A dying elm tree stood tall on my ...

I'm Not a Blog Guy

I've always said that if something doesn't catch my attention, it probably doesn't catch the attention of many others. I think I'm a pretty normal ...